Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Bismillahirrohmannirrohim.Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. Waabihi nasta’in waa’ala umuridunya waadin waashalatu wasalamu ‘ala asrofil anbyai walmursalin wa’ala alihi washabihi ajmangin ama ba’du.
Which I respect Mr./ Ms. Teacher and all friend that is happy. First time lets us climb to worship and praise thanks of Alloh SWT, which have over flowed god’s mercy and blessing to us all so that we earn together in this place.
At this time I will speech with title “Caracteristic distinguish one who religionlie”
In Islam distinguish one who religion lie among others :
1. Underestimating arrogant man. Man is life far from religion and do not want to be related to truth sense of belonging religion. That alone and distate to one who is pious.
2. That man only religions servise will only moment many people ( riya )
Like Alloh SWT say :
“That is people-people one who look (riya)” ( QS.Al- Maun : 6)
3. Do not want to remember and obey to Alloh even simply say shy at
4. Do not want to learn religion, visiting its ceremony dicuse religion problem or read religion book. Its time used just for duniawi and passion.
So much oration from me. What if any mistake forgiveness sorry.
Thank you
Wabilahi taufik wal hidayah Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
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